If you test positive to COVID-19, please call reception to make a telehealth appointment with your GP. When you speak to our receptionist, let them know you have tested positive for COVID so you can be given an appointment in the appropriate time frame.
During this appointment an action plan can be created to help you be prepared to manage symptoms and to know if and when you need to seek additional medical intervention. You can print a copy of this action plan from the resources page prior to your appointment
You may be eligible for antiviral medicines and your GP will discuss this with you. Click here for further information.
We recommend you nominate a friend or family member as a support person who you will call you twice a day. They can call for emergency help (by calling 000) if they cannot get in touch with you.
Most patients with mild COVID can self-manage at home with the help of the resources provided on our website. If you have any concerns regarding your symptoms, or questions not answered in these resource, please call for a telehealth appointment.
If your symptoms are getting worse:
- Within practice hours, please call reception on 4234 1399
- Outside practice hours call:
- The NSW Health Support line on 1800‑960‑933
- Healthdirect on 1800‑022‑222
- National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080
- If none of these are available, the on-call GP
If your symptoms become severe, including difficulty breathing, chest pain or fainting, call for an ambulance on 000 and notify them that you are COVID-19 positive.